Automatically search & scan for the best grocery deals & price match products instantly. Share us on social media so we can launch faster and start saving you money now!
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Basket Buddy compares all grocery store prices in your city and shows you which store to go to for the best deals based on your grocery list.
Pro tip: If an item is cheaper at a different store… you can easily price match by clicking “Price Match Link” in the Grocery List and showing your phone to the cashier
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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sectetur adip mayal tempor eiusmod tempor incubtconsectetur aliqua. Ultra enddim ad nim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco”
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sectetur adip mayal tempor eiusmod tempor incubtconsectetur aliqua. Ultra enddim ad nim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco”
It's $5 a month to have Basket Buddy on your phone & have access to hundreads of dollars of savings every month!
We’re not available on the App Store just yet! Our team is currently working on it.
If you’d like to support us on our mission to make grocery shopping awesome, please share us on social media and sign up for email updates.
Do you have any questions on Basket Buddy or want a certain feature to be added? Feel free to send us a message!
Basket Buddy is on a mission to save you time & money when grocery shopping!
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Basket Buddy App 2022©. All rights reserved.